As women, we often neglect our foot health. We may focus on our skin, hair, or nails, but our feet are just as important. They carry us throughout the day and can impact our overall wellness. Did you know that in our lifetime, we will walk an average of 121,000 miles?
Here are some tips for maintaining healthy and happy feet.
First and foremost, invest in proper fitting footwear. Avoid shoes that are too tight or too loose. Opt for shoes with good arch support and cushioning. If you're on your feet for extended periods, consider wearing orthotic inserts for added support. Don't forget to rotate your footwear and avoid wearing the same pair every day.
Regular foot care is also crucial. Keep your toenails trimmed and clean to avoid ingrown nails and fungal infections. Moisturize your feet regularly to prevent dryness and cracking. Use a pumice stone to gently exfoliate rough areas and promote circulation. When the hard skin gets too thick and the pumice isn't able to reduce this enough, a Podiatrist is able to remove the hard skin. With the hard skin removed the moisturiser is now able to penetrate the skin again and work its magic. As we get older, our skin starts to produce less oils and therefore our skin feels a lot drier. A moisturiser rich in urea is great for the skin on our feet as the skin is thicker and requires a bit more hydration.
Stretching and exercising your feet can also improve their health. Try rolling a tennis ball under your foot to massage the arch and relieve tension. Toe curls and stretches can strengthen the muscles in your feet and improve flexibility. Mobility exercises like being able to lift your big toe up while keeping your smaller toes on the ground and vice versa is also great for extra movement.
Lastly, pay attention to any pain or discomfort in your feet. Don't ignore it and hope it will go away on its own. Seek medical attention if you experience persistent pain or notice any changes in the appearance of your feet.
In conclusion, taking care of your feet is essential for overall wellness. By following these tips, you can maintain healthy and happy feet for years to come, taking care of your feet means they will take care of you. Remember, happy feet, happy life!