Under Covid19 times we have taken the opportunity to offer online consultations as part of our telehealth services - a great solutions for those clients suffering joint tendon and muscle aches and pains. While we are under Level 3 & 4 we are closed for face to face consultations besides those needing acute urgent care. The online consultation process is very similar to visiting us in person. Through an online consultation we can diagnose, treat and manage your condition and injury from the comfort of your home. Our podiatrists are uniquely trained to provide the service and will support you through the simple and easy to use platform.
Why telehealth?
Telehealth enables us to reach you in the comfort of your home and continue your care as an alternative to coming into the clinic.
Providing consistent and thorough care is important to achieving results and telehealth is a great option when you are…
- unable to leave the house
- away on a holiday or a business trip
- too busy to come into the clinic due to work
- living rurally or interstate
- or, if you’d prefer the consultation to be carried out via video rather than face-to-face.
Research shows telehealth consultations have been shown to be the same, if not better, than in-person care.
Are online consultations a temporary or permanent service for Boyce Podiatry?
Telehealth is here to stay at Boyce Podiatry. It provides us with more flexibility conducting appointments outside of the clinic. However, it will NOT replace all face-to-face appointments.
Just like with any new service, we will constantly be refining and developing telehealth in order to suit the needs of our patients. We will keep you updated with any new information or changes made.
What can you help with using online consultations?
Most musculoskeletal injuries can be treated and managed through an online consult, without the need for hands-on care.
Common problems we provide solutions include:
- Any active foot pain
- Diagnosis and education of ankle and foot pain
- Running injuries and education
- Orthotic and footwear reviews
- Lower limb strength and mobility exercises
- Education on taping techniques and self-care
Following the online consultation we will send you an individual management plan that summarises what was discussed. We will also include relevant exercise handouts and links/ online resources.
How do I book an online consultation and what do I need to do prior to the appointment?
It’s easy! All you need handy is an iphone or laptop with a camera and internet connection.
Follow this procedure:
Ring us 068773249 to ask for an online consultation.
We will ask you some questions to check if an online consultation is suitable for you.
We will then send you an email with a checklist of what you will need to do and have ready for your online consultation. The email will also outline what sort of questions we will ask, in order to give you time to prepare your answers.
A separate email is sent with a link to your video call.
At the time of your online consultation just click the link in the email to join the meeting, with video and audio connectivity.
We then deliver our expertise on your presenting problem, email you your individual management plan and compliment it with online learning resources and videos. Bring along your current runners, footwear or any accompanying programs or questions to the appointment!
If at any point during the online consultation we think it is not suitable for you, we will ask to end the consultation and book you into the clinic to complete the session. There is no additional charge in this instance.
Will I need a follow up?
We often need to follow up in clinic when a more in-depth video assessment or orthotic is required. Given we have done all the hard work with the online consultation, the follow up appointment will be kept short, which is an important consideration under Covid-19. We want to reduce your time in the clinic as much as possible during Covid times.
We will do a follow up consultation at 2 weeks to check how you are going with your exercises and progress you through your rehab.
much will it cost?
Our online consultations come as a package, which includes the online consultation, rehab program/ exercise prescription, unlimited access to message us via email if you have any questions about your rehab program. If need be we can quickly jump online during that 1st week and help with your exercises. Fees start at $95 for private consultation.
Can I get ACC for online consultations?
Yes, we now have ACC funding available for telehealth.